Enhance your hot tub experience

Enhance your hot tub experience

Enhance your hot tub experience with our range of hydrotherapy liquid. With a choice of six liquids you can soak away your aches and pains and experience the next level in medicinal body treatment. Our hydrotherapy liquids have been tested to ensure that they are...
Oxidising Hot Tub Water

Oxidising Hot Tub Water

Regularly oxidising hot tub water, ideally weekly, will pay dividends in the prevention of problems such as green coloured water. Bather wastes such as perspiration, urine and cosmetics can build up in hot tub water providing nutrients for bacteria and algae. A weekly...
How do I look after my hot tub cover?

How do I look after my hot tub cover?

Why is my hot tub cover important? Having a hot tub cover is important for several reasons: Energy efficiency: A hot tub cover helps to maintain the temperature of the water and reduces heat loss, which can save you money on energy costs. When the cover is in place,...
Are you having trouble with cloudy water?

Are you having trouble with cloudy water?

Are you struggling with keeping your hot tub water clear from cloudiness? We have some tips and advice to help you get your hot tub sparkling again.Hot tub water can go cloudy for a number of reasons; Incorrect water balance Poor or insufficient filtration Low levels...
Running Costs for Hot Tubs

Running Costs for Hot Tubs

**(January 2022 update) The below information regarding running costs is now unfortunately outdated due to the increase in energy costs; we cannot currently give any general thoughts on running costs. We hope that the current situation will ease as soon as possible....