We have some tips and advice to help you get your hot tub sparkling again.
Hot tub water can go cloudy for several reasons:
Total Alkalinity is a measurement of the water’s ability to resist pH change. If the total Alkalinity is low, the pH can fluctuate, making it difficult to control. If the total Alkalinity is high, the pH can be difficult to change and will keep rising. High total Alkalinity can also lead to the formation of bicarbonate scale on hot tub surfaces, within pipework, and support equipment.
The ideal pH for hot tubs is between 7.2 and 7.6. If the pH reading is above 7.6, it can contribute to cloudy water. To lower it, use a pH Reducer.
Filters play a huge role in keeping your hot tub clean. If your filters are clogged with grease and oil, this could be a cause of cloudy water. Use filter cleaning chemicals as part of your regular cleaning routine to remove grease and oil from the cartridges. These chemicals should be used every two weeks or more frequently if your hot tub is used heavily.
Option 1 – Instant Filter Cleaner:
Option 2 – Immerse Sachet:
Option 3 – Cartridge Cleaner:
Encourage hot tub users to shower (with their swimsuits on) before entering the hot tub to remove cosmetics, lotions, and detergents.
Spa Sparkle can restore water clarity quickly. Ensure the water is balanced, the filtration system is operating correctly, and the sanitizer levels are maintained within the ideal range. Add Spa Sparkle directly to the water with the pumps running to bind small particles and make them easier for the filter to remove.
Encourage hot tub users to shower (with their swimsuits on) before entering the hot tub to remove cosmetics, lotions, and detergents.